How I use Python to Fight human trafficking

01:15 PM - 02:15 PM on August 16, 2014, Room 702

Eric Schles

Audience level:


Human trafficking is still a huge issue in the world today. The industry commands 32 billion dollars in annual revenue a year (source: polaris project). As a professor and researcher at NYU I am developing tools to fight this horrible problem. Come learn about the work I've done so far and where my research is going. I will be showing you how recreate some of the tools I've made and used in python. I will be covering web scraping, text processing, and image processing.

I will be taking folks through a number of web scraping tools that I use to find instances of human trafficking. We will then go through classification algorithms I use to determine genuine instances of trafficking. Finally I will discuss image processing and facial recognition.


I will be taking folks through a number of web scraping tools that I use to find instances of human trafficking. We will then go through classification algorithms I use to determine genuine instances of trafficking. Finally I will discuss image processing and facial recognition